Sunday, February 18, 2007

Part 7- BRAZIL- Carnavale, Coconuts & Capoeira!

We arrived in Salvador yesterday and shamefully went to bed by 9pm on a Friday night during Carnavale. I know we are disappointing many people, but we promise to make it up tonight and the next night and the next. Afterall the Carnivale is on for 5 nights!! We spent the day wondering around Pelhourinho which was my personal favourite part of Salvadore. People were scattered through the cobble-stoned streets and squares and we could hear the sounds of afro-drums everywhere we went. It really is a carnavale all day long here. Tonight we will hang around the Barra area attending the carnivale circuuit near the beach. There are 3 different circuits and the party starts from about 1pm until 6am the next day.
More info about the carnavale to come. I did do some Capoeira (see photo above-that´s not me in it when asked by a Capoeria teacher who was more than happy to give me a lesson later. I think he will be waiting for my tonight but I can´t be bothered going all the way back to Perlhourinho. We met up with some friends from our Peru Amazon jungle tour. These gals are from South Africa and we will oarty with them tonight. Uff...all this partying can get so tiring. Everyone has warned us not to carry money in our pockets and not to wear jewellery, especially watches. We will heed their advice.
Rio was spectacular and I really wanted to stay there longer than 2 nights. It rained for a whole day. It´s been raining off and on in Brazil since we came. I think we have brought the Melb weather with us. But that doesn´t stop the Brazillians from partying on the streets.
Fortaleza was beautiful. We stayed in a 5 star hotel called Seara Praia Hotel overlooking the ocean for 3 nights. There were night markets right outside our hotel on the beach and we attended a fabulous folk dancing show at a place called Lupus Bier. The dancing styles were so varied and interesting. I was invited up on the stage along with many other audience menbers to try a form of Brazillian dancing that i had never seen. Don´t know what it´s called either. And the Capoeira has been amazing to watch. I could sit there watching for hours. We also went to the beach to laze about and have overdosed on coconut water...yum!
I better get going! Hope all is well. Ciao,


Anonymous said...

Hi Lovely ladies...
yuuuuummmmeeeeee coconut milk/water...i miss that so much.
Jak thanks for your email, but you were right..the chances of me checking my work account from home are very slim..especially on a weekend. know those late night game shows that you were telling me about...I have seen a couple now...and guess what?! I know one of the girls who is on them. How funny..I thought of you when I was watching it.

Nothing more to say...keep me posted.
Luv Prak

Anonymous said...

Oh God those stupid late night game shows...that is one thing i don´t miss. I told you - how tragic are they. Can´t believe you know someone in it. Don´t you ever take on such a role even if they pay you a million bucks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls - good to see the adventures continue :). Hope you have had a ball during Carnevale. I have had that on my list of things I want to do for way too long now....But onto serious stuff. Now Jag, I do have a concern about you. We learnt your routine on Monday night - you know the one...the pigeon, the chicken, the penguin, the salman...the floor!! WHAT WERE YOU ON??? At least we all understand now why you are fleeing the country. It is great fun, but pray the music is really loud when everyone hs to drop "gracefully" to the floor :)
Shyama - no pole dancing in class please? But Marshie and I are working on a "self-defense Bollywood style" DVD concept that should be a winner. Kepp those posts coming! Temple

Anonymous said...

Lol ! Temple beat me to it...Ek Ankh went well...tho there were quite a few moments where i had to say..."yup..i'm it!"...cos after i'd demo and explain the steps some ppl thot i was just being funny. Shyama - i have finalised yeh mera for next week - remind me to tell u about SV and me trying to interpret your notes..hilarious !

Tha dance shot looks great ! But wud have preferred ones with u guys in them...wot is with all the non shyama and jag pics ! R u guys strutting around in ur g's only like the locals at the beach? is that why u wont show us pics of u? I am beginning to wonder....

Prag is watchin late night TV? What gives? Granma decides to have late nights only to watch those tragic shows?

Ok me back to is killing me...and i am trying to kill it back...but i am not winning !

cheers, marshie